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Tour instructions





Dear tourists, hello! Welcome to Hengshui Lake Scenic Area! In order to protect the ecological environment, maintain the normal order of the scenic spots and ensure the personal safety of tourists, please read the instructions for tourists to the scenic spots before visiting the seenic spots, and work with us to create a civilized scenic spot.


1.Please consciously protect the ecological environment of the scenic spot. Do not climb or damage the original ecological trees in the scenic area, trample on the ecological vegetation of wetlands: do not fish, pick and dig wild vegetables in the scenic spot; do not make noise, disturb and catch inhabiting birds.


2.Please consciously abide by public order. Please do not crowd, block the passages and entrances and exits; do not bring pets into the scenic spot; please do not lie naked and casually in the scenic spot;Please do not bring children's travel equipment into the scenic area, such as roller skates, bicycles, skateboards, balance bikes, torsion bikes, toy cars, portable electric vehicles, etc.


3.Please obey the instructions of the staff of the scenic spot and ride the bus and boat on the basis of tickets; consciously abide by the orde of boarding , and it is strictly forbidden to chase, fight or push and shove. After the staffissues instructions, you can get on and off the boat in turn; please fasten your seat belts and wear life jackets; When the boat is about to stop, please sit down and hold the handrails.

Take care of the elderly and children.


4.When traveling by car or boat, it is forbidden to go up and down at will; itis strictly forbidden to smoke or play in cars and boats; do not stick your head and hands out of the window; take good care of personal belongings; vulnerable groups such as the elderly, young, sick, disabled and pregnant must be accompanied by adults on the bus and boat.


5.Please pay attention to the safety of the tour. Please do not leave the walking lane during sightseeing. When you are walking, slow down and enjoy the beauty please; do not touch the water surface and swim in the scenic spot, and beware of schistosomiasis; please protect your be- longings when experiencing cruise ships, amusement facilities and other projects; children and people with mobility disabilities must accompany your family downstream park.


6.Please take care of the public property in the scenic spot and maintain the public environment and hygiene of the scenic spot. Do not move or damage tables and chairs, landscape sketches, signage and other public goods; do not spit, defecate, throw melon peel shells and waste any where; do not post, smear or distribute advertisements and promotional materials in scenic spots.


7.Begginggambling,superstition, porography and other acts are strictly prohibited in scenic spots; provocative fights, ganging and other il- legal acts are prohibited.


8.The scenic spot shall not be responsible for accidents caused by tourists' violation of the relevant safety regulations of the scenic spot or caused by tourists' own negligence and negligence. Those who cause losses shall be liable for compensation in accordance with the law.


9.It is our responsibility to prevent fire in scenic spots. When enter the scenic spot, please cooperate with the staff in the security inspection. It is strictly forbidden to bring lighters,matches and other open flames into the park; it is strictly forbidden to bring toxic, inflammable and explo- sive dangerous goods into the park; it is not allowed to smoke, set off fireworks and firecrackers, and fly hole lights in the park; picnics,barbecue or lgnite open flames in the scenic area.


10.For the convenience of data statistics, please enter the scenic area after the gate, for the inconvenience of tourists (pushing strollers and wheelchair crowd) can contact the scenic area staff to take the fast lane.


11.If you encounter problems or need help, please call the scenic spot consultation or customer service number 0318-2986688 and the scenic spot rescue phone number: 0318-2156688


Swing the safety oar and sailing to the happy shore, Hengshui Lake Scenic Area wishes you a pleasant journey!