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Lake in the First City in North China
Bird Watching Resort — — Hengshui Lake
Hengshui Lake is the geographical center and refreshment station of the Australasian route in the world's nine major bird migration routes, with millions of migratory birds, known as the central inn of birds.
Lake in the First City in North China
The water area of Hengshui Lake is 75 square kilometers.
A lake of reeds and flowers, a lake of gulls and herons, a lake of ducks, blue waves and rosy clouds.
Lake in the First City in North China
Why do birds love it here?
Bird species increased by 16% in 20 years, the first class of protected birds increased by 185%, and the second class of protected birds increased by 95%. Hengshui Lake is characterized by ecological scarcity, biodiversity, uniqueness and typicality. It is the only wetland ecosystem that maintains the integrity of marshes, waters, beaches, meadows and woodlands. With the steady improvement of lake water quality, 538 species of plants, 34 species of fish and 535 species of insects provide sufficient food for birds, and the population of birds in Hengshui Lake has steadily increased
East Asia sapphire · The first lake in South Gyeongsang Province
Hengshui Lake scenic spot ·
watching every detail.
Hengshui Lake
"The Most Beautiful Wetland in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei", "The First Lake in South Beijing", "Sapphire in East Asia" - Hengshui Lake
Garden Expo
The Garden Expo Park is divided into themes, cities, enterprises, and county and urban parks to display the landscape art of Yanzhao gardens.
Luli Ancient Town
Luli Ancient Town is the only experiential research and study tour town in China with the theme of traditional filial piety culture.
Scenic spots · Create a new image of Hengshui city ~
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Hengshui Lake
Garden Expo
Luli Ancient Town
Jizhou Ancient City
Green-headed diving duck
Its scientific name is Aythya baeri, a national first-class protected animal
In 2018, the green-headed diving duck was listed as an important habitat of the world's most endangered species.
The number of ducks in the world is less than 1000, and the number of 308 in Hengshui Lake has brought a turning point to the fate of the green-headed diving duck population.
Hengshui Lake Wetland Park photography works~
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